This is what I am doing today

Don’t worry….. I am fine. It’s been a couple of days and I didn’t want you to think that I got swallowed up by a vortex of school supplies sitting on the dining room table.

Gonna enjoy every second today with the kids….and packing up the school supplies before our 1st day of school tomorrow and celebrating a 6th birthday day today.
See you next week!

Grateful for~
My twins……Jacob and Lily

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  1. Happy Birthday!! They are starting on a Friday? Kiddos here go back Monday, and even though I don't have any in school anymore (well, college) it is giving me hives!

  2. Hard to believe that school starts back (here) next Thursday! We don't buy our school supplies until after meeting with the teachers. The county's list doesn't usually match what each teacher requests. In fact, they usually request things that are never even needed.

  3. Oh my goodness! They grow up soooo fast! These two are adorable, congratulations! I remember those days, even though my two are 37 and 35 now….hehehe. No grandkids yet. Lazy younguns. ~~~Dee

  4. Happy b/d to two adorable kidlets. Why can't they stay that way longer? So sweet, love babies, want to hug and smooch them.
    Why in world did they have to start school on a Friday? Come on give the kids a break. Kids here start on Monday but why is that necessary? So hot and summer, hard to concentrate for the kids.
    Parents here have to buy extra school supplies that are given to kids that can't afford it. so expensive. Our daughter was telling me she had to pay extra fees for her girls that are in advanced classes. What are our taxes for then. No bus either. Oldest one is 17 and youngest 14. Had to pay for pictures already also. Pretty hard for parents to come up with all that money for one kid, more than that, darned hard. She said it cost her almost $300 to get them registered.
    Our youngest one was in GATE classes when she was young, good thing we didn't have to pay for that. We had 4 kids. Happy weekend and hope their b/d's are fun at first day of school.

  5. Happy Birthday to your adorable twins! They truly are precious Laura! You are blessed!

    It's hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact school starts for you soon. I'm old school. We never started school until after Labor Day. August, especially the BEGINNING of August. That just feels weird to me. :/

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