The Rock Star of the Painting Scene….My Paint Saint

It’s no secret….I love to paint. Oddly, it provides a calmness and peace that I can’t really explain nor likely that would you understand, especially to those that have never picked up a paintbrush or don’t like to paint. 
This is one of my recent projects that is currently on summer hiatus, the downstairs den. Going from beige to blue…..when the kids go back to school. It’s between Tidal Water and Watery, colors from SW.

and the Guest House bedroom, which I am about finished with since I am trying to get it ready before my mom comes to stay for a few months. fyi……the apple did fall to far from the tree since my mother is not a painter nor is anybody in my immediate family or inner circle.

And with my love of paint, comes the never ending slew of paint cans, brushes and touch ups. Recently, I was introduced to a product that could be the closet thing to  rock star status to a painter like me….The Paint Saint.  Mark Lacy-the inventor, came up with a most convenient solution for paint touch ups….especially for a paint friendly house like mine.


One of the  things I really love about this product is the way it stores. Once you pour the paint inside the Paint Saint and use it, you can just screw the air tight top back on and the paint and brush stays fresh. No more gallon buckets hanging around. That alone, is a beautiful thing.
If you think you would love this product as much as I do and would want to support this great business idea, here’s the cost for the My Paint Saint. 
 1 MPS $20 including US shipping
2 MPS $35 including US shipping
3 MPS $50 including US shipping
4 MPS $65 includes US shipping
Credit cards will be accepted, and shipping will be in November.

So paint warriors, what do you think?



PS I received no compensation for this post. I just wanted to share what I think is a great idea. You can read more, watch the My Paint Saint video and purchase one HERE.

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  1. I really love the idea of the MPS but looking at the size, I don't think it is large enough for me, personally. My paint tends to get very beat up and I think I'd run out quickly with this small amount. That would be my only complaint about it. I think if he would have them in some different sizes, that would be better.
    On a different note: You were talking about changing your den from beige to blue and showed some blue color(s). I love what you have on the walls and was wondering if you'd be willing to share what the names of them are. Thank you! readinglady16 at yahoo dot com

  2. That is a GREAT idea! I , like Linda, keep mine in ziploc bags in the freezer.
    I like both the colors you are trying out—either one will be great.
    Have a wonderful week. xo Diana

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