Great Southern Road Trip…Pendergrass Georgia

Welcome to the Great Southern Road Trip…Pendergrass Georgia. If you are visiting from  The Turquoise Home  in Franklin, TN, welcome to Duke Manor Farm and my hometown, Pendergrass. Georgia. Thanks to Heather from the Southern State of Mind Blog for putting the road trip together.

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

I figured we would sit on the front porch and I can tell you all about Pendergrass, but the truth is there is not a whole lot going on in this small country town of approx 500 , not including the chickens, cows and horses. To read more about my real life funny farm you can catch up here. The biggest attractions around these parts are the local post office, the booze barn and Georgia’s largest flea market that welcomes about 25,000 people each weekend. I have only been once since I moved to Pendergrass 15 years ago, not my kind of  flea market, too many  tchotchkes.

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

See, we didn’t move to Pendergrass and build Duke Manor Farm for the cute shops, the fabulous food ( which is probably a good thing since it doesn’t have a restaurant) and major attractions. We came here to slow down, take a breath and enjoy our surroundings. And today I hope to show you the one attraction in the next town about a stone throw up the road, that I take all my out of town visitors that does just that. It’s called Hurricane Shoals.

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

Isn’t it pretty? Hurricane Shoals was a sacred holy site to the Creek and Cherokee Indians in the late 1700’s. You can see the entire history of the shoals and the heritage village here. The Heritage Village at Hurricane Shoals Park is a unique site containing many historical structures from the area that have been moved to this site for preservation. 

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

The covered bridge is one of my favorite sights and even was the backdrop for some family photos a few years back.

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

In addition to all the history, and the loads of fun you can have in the shoals, there are picnic facilities ,a playground and miniature golf. Best part is the park entrance is free. It’s a great way to spend a hot summer day. After it rains the shoals are extremely active and the water rushes down pretty fast.

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

Great Southern Road Trip...Pendergrass Georgia

So bring a friend…or two. You might need a helping hand.

Next up on the road trip adventure is Domestic Charm  in Charlotte, NC.

Enjoy the ride, and ya’ll come back now!


Be sure to visit all the stops on the Great Southern Road Trip












to share my hometown with you





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  1. So funny I live not far from you and have never been to Hurricane Shoals. I have heard the name though. πŸ™‚

    1. your little cutie pie would love that place, although it’s a bit nerve racking when the kids go in that water and it’s flowing fast. hope to catch up with you soon. lots been going on around here.

  2. I love your town of Pendergrass. The Hurricane Shoals sound and look so very interesting and fun. Has to be great to live in a town so full of history and the people of the post office know your name! Love the pic of you and your family in the covered bridge! Thanks for giving us a tour and history of your sweet town.

  3. Such a lovely place to raise kids as well as slowing down. The shoals look so interesting…would love to know more about the Native Americans that were there. I have always loved to learn about their lives, their remedies for illness and so much more! A young medicine man used to live in this area and let me tell you, he was wonderful! I have tons of allergy issues and his concoctions did the trick. We were so sad when he moved.

    The covered bridge is awesome and such a great photo! Thanks for sharing your little piece of Heaven.

    1. it’s funny about slowing down. now when i go into a city with a grocery store and lots of cars I get white knuckles when i am driving. we are spoiled by living here….and that’s perfectly okay. thanks for coming by. hope you are doing well and surviving the heat wave that was out your way.

  4. We just moved to a small GA town; love the slower pace and the friendliness of the people here. Everyone is willing to help out neighbor. Yesterday I sat behind five cars (a traffic jam here) while the driver of the first car helped a tortoise cross the roaD. I just love southerners!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

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