DIY Lego Table

For many years now,  well, ever since the first lego showed up on the game room floor, I have had an ongoing ‘love hate’ relationship with legos……Especially the really teeny tiny ones.

And if you must know, it’s been more hate then love …sorry kids, sad but true
But, that’s all about to change.

I think it’s the constant harassing and begging the kids to put them back properly, followed up with the threats to give them all away to “children that will respect their legos” that I will miss most. I am sure my kids will as well.

 My kids will no longer need to search for that one small piece that’s somewhere between the couch cushions, that will turn the chair in the kitchen,  or the blue pieces that I sucked up with the vacuum last week, that can create a bed. They can find them now….easily.

And happily spend hours building and creating roofs for their high rises or……

 cars to go cruising in.

Cause mama’s dumped them right in here.

Right where they belong.

I will have a tutorial on how to make my ‘lego saving sanity table’ … soon as I finish searching the house for any remaining legos.

What’s your relationship with legos like?

grateful for~
a husband who feels the same way about legos and built the table

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  1. I love it! My son has lego sets all over his room. I've got them displayed in bookcases, but they have even spilled out onto the floor since we've run out of room. I love how you created a sturdy place to put them together and store them.

  2. What a great idea! I also saw awhile back on Pinterest that someone made a Lego tray also. I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for all the great ideas.

  3. I can still feel the pain of stepping on a stray Lego while raising my two sons. Now grandsons are showing up so this is a great idea!

  4. Definitely love-hate. Love how they can keep my son occupied for hours but hate that they are spread all over the house and that people keep buying him more. Who are these people? I will not take any responsibility!

  5. Oh there are Legos all over this household and I do not have children living here….between my granddaughter and my hubby…there are always some around…and remind me to tell you about the Lego Ramp he built…

  6. I love Legos. One of the best toys ever. Ours lived in giant under the bed tote(s) that we slide under our over sized coffee table. That was our Lego table. That lived in the middle of the living room. I was secretly a little happy when they didn't live in the living room any longer.

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