Monday Musings

It’s fall break this week and the family is beyond excited. We are finally getting to do something that I had to postpone last winter when we were snowed in, then again cancel in the Spring because Lily broke her foot, and again cancel over the summer because dad had a business trip. The kids still don’t think it’s gonna happen….but it is, even though….there is rain in the forecast. I am handy, I will build a boat if I have to!

This is what’s about to go down in my home office. 

Remember the art show that I told you about last week, well guess who’s picture won 1st place …..although all the art displayed by the kids, was so amazing.

So proud of my pal Karah who blogs at The Space Between Blog. She’s the rock star of creating gorgeous things out of pallets and is now an author. You can order her book at Amazon.

I was looking for a way to lighten up the hutch without painting it, so I removed the back panel. 

Here’s a joke for you ~ Why does the chicken always jump on a donkeys back?

To get away from the dog.

Hope you have a super fantastic week.

for my animals

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  1. Love what I'm seeing so far for your office choices. Congrats to your sweet girl. What a beautiful picture. 🙂 I love Karah's book..she has added some things to my to do list now. 🙂 Enjoy your day.

  2. I love the joke! Totally makes sense. LOL. What. is. Fall. break????? I've lived in GA practically all my life and have never gotten that. Nor have my kids. What county do you live in? Looking forward to seeing your office revamp.

  3. LOL- love the chicken on the donkey….too funny!
    Congratulations to your little sweetie! What a GREAT picture!!!!!
    That looks like a fun book- I will have to look it up. xo Diana

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