How to quench your thirst……Southern Style

Welcome to another installment of  ‘Oh My Word’  a monthly series where me and my southern gals team up to bring you some tips….Southern Style.

This month we are talking drinks and if you are visiting from Refresh Restyle and can walk a straight line, from her summer cocktail over to my porch…Welcome. Glad to have you.

I know this may come as a shock to you, but not every southerner is distilling whiskey or making moonshine in their backyards….only some of us.  

Nor are we sipping on $3.69  Strawberry Hill Boone’s Farm Wine from the local gas station on the front porch…… we are much more sophisticated then that…at times. 
Besides, do they even sell that stuff anymore?

The real truth……. cause you need to know, is when we Southerners have had enough sweet tea, or have run out of sugar, our next beverage of choice is water. And not just any water…..water with lemon in it.

Other than the fact that water is so good for you and helps cleanse toxins from your body, it just tastes so good with lemon in it. But there are many other reasons you should put lemon in your water that you can read here. Make sure to wash your lemons before cutting them and placing them in your beverage.

And if you really want to impress your porch drinking water buddies……. put a few slices of lemon in your flower arrangement. You will have them thinking it is more awesome then awesome and have them saying ‘awesomesauce’ before they leave the porch.

Next up is another favorite Southern Lady and her favorite Southern drink- Daisy Mae Belle.  Little fact, I have a donkey named Daisy Mae.

What’s your favorite Summer drink?
Cheers to an amazing summer!

That it always has a way of working out

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  1. FYI? Yes, they still sell Boone's Farm and I still drink it, in a desperate moment. What I want to know is: Why wasn't I asked to participate? I live in the south and I make good drinks. *sigh*

  2. I'm a big water with lemon drinker too. I have been for a few years now. I rarely drink anything else. I do like sweet tea with lemon and lemonade as a "pick me up" during the day on occasion though. Obviously me and lemon go together! LOL! Lemon makes everything better!

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