Duke Manor Farm Notables Vol 3

Can we start Duke Manor Farm Notables Vol 3 with this gorgeous sunrise from the week, from my favorite artist and creator. It seriously looked like the sky was on fire! I also loved how it reflected off the water. Winter is the best in my backyard to be able to catch beautiful images like this in the morning. I am always sharing more during the week over here. Don’t forget to follow along.

beautiful sunrise from Duke Manor Farm Notables Vol 3

I added a bit of love to the kitchen this week when I picked up some Valentine towels for the bath and kitchen. Sometimes you don’t have to go gangbusters when decorating for a new holiday or season.  Add simple touches like a towel, candle or pillow. Besides, your house already knows you love it!

Here’s some towels I picked up and a few others that I thought were cute. Just click the towel to shop.


It was only a matter of time that I would need to get a new ottoman for the family room. It was looking a bit beat up.  I had this cream color tufted one ( which I loved) but decided to go darker and got this one. The pros are ….it’s pretty, I like the color, the metal base and it’s a decent price. What I don’t like about it is that it’s a bit smaller then I wanted for the space ( i want something longer). For now it will stay put. We will just have to move it depending on where we are sitting on the sectional and who wants to put their feet up. The ottoman comes in other colors as well.

ottoman recommendation from Duke Manor Farm Notables Vol 3

I get occasional questions about how we winterize our pool. When we installed our backyard pool we decided not to cover it during the off season….. for this very reason. The view. During the winter season we typically clean it a couple times a month. After a few years of manually vacuuming ( I have the best pool boy….my hubby) we are looking to get something a bit more automatic. If you have any recommendations please let me know in the comments.

beautiful pool image from Duke Manor Farm Notables Vol 3

Something else we will be doing around the pool this season is building a pergola. Despite the number of trees surrounding our pool area it gets extremely hot from the sun during the core times of the afternoon. Usually I have 3 umbrellas to provide shade but want to have something more permanent…..since the sun’s not going away and to save money as I go through a lot of umbrellas. I’ll share more about this project and our plan later down the road.

Best article I read all week. If you are a mom with teen boys, you will want to read it as well. 

After years about reading about the positive benefits, I finally ordered this collagen. Although I have never heard any negative comments about the benefits, I can’t wait to see if any of it works on me.

That’s a wrap on the Duke Manor Farm Notables for the week. If there is something you would like to see in an upcoming post please let me know in comments.

Have a great weekend!



for beautiful sunrises


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  1. When we built our pool we had an inground cleaning system installed. However several friends have the robot kind of cleaning system. They say they really function really well too. Most use the Dolphin Nautilus Plus.

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