A beautiful wooden watch…and a lesson in life

This post is about a watch. A beautiful wooden watch. Specifically, a maple wood with a rose gold faced watch….called Sidney. 

But first a short lesson in life.

Don’t ever wear your new beautiful Jord maple wood with rose gold face watch around your girlfriends or sisters, especially the one’s who like pretty watches just like you……. just don’t. Wear your 30 year LCD watch instead.


If they (specifically the sister)  begin to ooh and aah and marvel at the uniqueness and color of the watch band and face….. hide your arm …. and fast.
If they (specifically the sister)  ask about how comfortable the watch is and how light weight it is on your arm….pretend you didn’t hear and start talking about last nights episode of the Bachelor in Paradise. 

And don’t, I repeat don’t, under any circumstance ask her if she wants to try it on…..that would be a huge mistake.


Or you may not ever see your beautiful Sidney maple wood with a rose gold faced watch ever again….and have to order another one.

True story…ask my sister.

I am so excited that Jord woodwatches is offering my readers a 5% discount on any of their beautiful watches. Just enter code topthistopthat786 when placing your order. 

PS- I love this watch so much that I am ordering another Sidney watch …… but this time I will never wear around a sister again.

PPS- I was given this watch to review by Jord, but the story of how my sister tried on my watch and didn’t give it back along with comments and sunflowers from the garden, are just my own. Has that ever happened to you?



for sisters


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Wood Watches For Women

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  1. CUT E post. Darn sisters…bet you would give her the shirt off your back if she wanted it. lol Hope you have a wonderful week, Laura. xo Diana

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