Mid Week Updates

Mid Week Updates: Getting Old, Losing Weight and Wallpaper

Gearing up for probably the last trick or treat outing for the kids. Lily is venturing out as a T-Rex in this inflatable dinosaur. Too cute. The costume would be fun to wear anytime throughout the year.

Oh where does time go? This was Colton’s first Halloween 12 years ago.

Mid Week: Getting Old, Losing Weight and Wallpaper

Peel and Stick Wallpaper

I hung this wallpaper in the entrance to my bedroom. Peel and stick wallpaper is just the best thing ever! Here are some of the wallpaper tips that I always follow when hanging paper.

Mid Week: Getting Old, Losing Weight and Wallpaper

Latest Project

Oh, and in between the laundry room and the above wallpaper project, I am tackling some work  in my kitchen area. I am not entirely finished  yet but did enough to show you a peek at what I am up to. I’ll share more about this project soon but basically  I am adding wallpaper to a few walls, adding ship lap to the big wall and painting the current base cabinet and the wall. So excited how it’s turning out! 

Trying to stay healthy

A  friend turned me on to this product a couple of weeks ago to balance it all out. I put it in my water first thing in the morning. I have noticed a surge of energy late afternoon. I’ll take all the help I can get!

Speaking of getting all the help I can…. losing a few pounds after the age of 50 is like winning the lottery. I finally found a product that seems to work. One or two servings a day in addition to walking at least 3 miles ( Mon-Fri)  has won me the lottery. I am down 8 pounds.  

Laundry Room Updates

Putting the finishing touches on the laundry room. You can catch up on the last update here.

Mid Week: Getting Old, Losing Weight and Wallpaper

Thanks for joining my mid week updates this week. 

Trick or Treat! Do you have any plans for Halloween? It’s suppose to rain here, so we will see if my very own T-Rex is gonna hit the streets. Be safe ya’ll.



for memories


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  1. Lots of great projects going on. Congratulations on the weight. I am struggling with mine, I loose 1 lb and then gain it back. Overall I am finally down 15. Need 10 more.

  2. The older we get the harder it is to get off that unwanted weight. I have been losing one pound a month, which is not exactly inspiring me. My doctor said that women of my age need to eat 1200 calories a day and to definitely count them in order to lose unwanted pounds. So I’m doing that now and will see how it goes. xo Laura

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