Weekend Hangout #20

One minute we are enjoying our time on the beach and the next minute the kids are back to school! Wow, summer went fast. Let’s catch up in my weekend hangout.

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Catch up on the last weekend Hangout
How to make Peanut Butter Cookie Brownies

Weekend Hangout

Where in the world did summer go? This must have been what felt like the shortest summer ever…covid summer was the longest. I took a step back from blogging and posting on social media so I could immerse myself in the moment, especially since I have now have a senior in the house.

Family Updates

Albeit fast, summer was good to us. We enjoyed a week at the lake in Tennessee and a week at Cape San Blas in the peninsula of Florida…now my favorite beach. I loved it mainly because it was so low key and not commercialized and crowded. The area that we hung out (picture above) had nobody on the beach.

Kids went back to school 3 weeks ago. I know it seems early, but the school year ends around the 3rd week of May. I have two sophomores and a senior in the house.

Having a senior is freaking me out. I am already getting misty eyed thinking about what the end of the school year will feel like. Not like the school is doing me any favors I got a link the other day to order the cap and gown. I equate having a senior child a lot like walking into a Hobby Lobby in May, with full on Fall and Christmas staring you down.

If you have been following me since the kiddos have been little….. this is probably how you remember my kids….I know I do. Tissue please.

Latest Projects around Duke Manor Farm

Since we finished the media room last month (take a peek here), we turned our attention to some outside projects. Normally we would wait till cooler temps rolled around, but we needed to move the chicken coop and the goats to another pasture.

I am so excited about how the coop is coming along. It will look similar to our horse walk-in and be multi-purpose, should we retire from raising chickens. I will share more details about the build in a later post.

To keep the goats from escaping we added additional boards and repainted the fence. Although fence maintenance is totally necessary when you have animals, I was a little less excited about this project….even though it looks good. I used Fence Pro paint applied with a sprayer and love how the finish looks on our pasture boards.

In the Garden

This years garden delivered so-so results…for everything but my potato’s and watermelon. Would you look at the size of this watermelon. It just wasn’t this one, they were all super huge this garden season. We love growing watermelon, but they do kinda take over the garden and need a lot of space. Keep that in mind if you want to plant watermelon in your garden.

Love watermelon? Check out my favorite watermelon cocktail. Perfect adult beverage for a hot summer day.

To good not to share

My pantry never looked so good with these in it.

I am a fan and so it my face with these dermaplaning wands.

I have used the white grout pens and bought some in black. Amazing stuff if you want to refresh your grout tile.

We will be doing some volunteer work today and then laying low enjoying some pool time. I hope you will enjoy your weekend!

Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Wow-! Where did the time go? Your kids were little when I first found your blog. High school is a crazy time and it flies by. Enjoy!

  2. I love the “similar post” school day pic of the kids before and the current one at the top. They are beautiful. The watermelon look picture perfect!

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